Electromagnetic fields as a non-invasive alternative therapy for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases

Juan Jairo Vaca-González, Juliana I. P. Cantillo Bermúdez, Liliana Andrea Rodríguez Sarmiento, Aldemar Fonseca Velásquez


Development of a Community-scale Autonomous Water Purifier (AWP) Prototype to Remove Heavy Metals

Dulce Kristal Becerra, Joel Pantoja, Dr., Araceli Hernández, Dra, Guillermo Ibañez, Dr., Joel Moreira, Dr., Joseph Sebastian, Dr.


Repetitive corrugation and straightening effect on the microstructure, crystallographic texture and electrochemical behavior for the Al-7075 alloy

Liliana Romero-Resendiz, Miguel Hernandez, José María Cabrera, Sergio Elizalde, Vicente Amigó-Borrás, Ignacio Alejandro Figueroa, Alba Covelo, Gonzalo Gonzalez


Investigations on diesel engine characteristics using waste biomass Pyrolysis oil: A study on the effect of compression ratio

Joseph John MarshalS, Sakthivel Rajamohan, Kondru Gnanasundari, Gomathi Kumar, Mary Goldena Sharon


Synthesis and characterization of Mo-blue-based sulfided CoMo catalysts for guaiacol HDO

José Escobar, Ana W. Gutiérrez, Miss, Paz Del Ángel, Dr., María C. Barrera, Dr., Víctor Santes, Dr., Carlos E. Santolalla, Dr., Dora A. Solís Casados, Dr.


Current-controlled grounded memristor emulator circuit based on analog multiplier

Miguel Angel Carrasco-Aguilar, Carlos Sanchez-López, Francisco Epimenio Morales-López


Model based on system dynamics for project portfolio management in industries

Carmelina Rosario Cadenas Anaya, Wilfredo Guaita, Carlos Rodriguez Monroy
