Authors’ information:
The authors' full names, complete affiliations (name of the laboratory, section, division, department, institution), along with city and country (The journal uses single-blind peer review, which means that author names are disclosed to reviewers but reviewer names are withheld from the authors), should be included.
No other requirement is needed at this stage.
File format
Papers must be submitted in PDF format, or LaTeX saved as PDF (No other format is accepted).
Manuscript formatting:
Authors should submit their manuscripts as a single file, with all the key sections (Abstract; Key Words; main text: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions; Acknowledgements, Funding Information and References,) included.
No particular format is required at this stage to make the submission process easier for authors.
American or British English is accepted as long as it is used consistently throughout the manuscript and conforms to accepted standards of English style and usage.
Papers in poor English will be rejected, hence it is highly recommended that authors have their manuscripts proofread prior to submission.
Figures and tables
All figures and tables must be numbered and have descriptive captions.
All figures and tables must be mentioned in the text, numbered consequently and cited in number order. Figures should include graphical material; tables, tabular one. All illustrations, graphs, and diagrams should be considered as figures, with corresponding numbers and captures.
All figures and tables must be placed within the text, not as appendices, near where cited.
Reference formatting:
At this stage, no particular format is required.
What it is indeed important is that references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa.
Conflict of Interest:
At submission, to avoid any further investigations by JART, the journal requires that all authors disclose in full any existing potential conflicts of interest, both in the “Financing and declaration of conflict of interests” form AND in the manuscript file (after the “Conclusions” section, under the heading “Conflict of interest”).
Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise, that might be perceived as influencing an author's objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. Such information must be disclosed when directly relevant or directly related to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript. The existence of a conflict of interest does not necessarily preclude publication.
If no conflict exists, authors must also state this at submission, both in the “Financing and declaration of conflict of interests” form AND include the following standard statement (without quotation marks) in the manuscript file (after the “Conclusions” section, under the heading “Conflict of interest”):
"The author(s) has(have) no conflict of interest to declare.”
The corresponding author is responsible to review this policy with all authors and collectively to disclose with the submission all pertinent related information.
Funding disclosure:
At submission, to avoid any further investigations by JART, the journal requires that all authors disclose in full any funding (and its sources) that has supported the research submitted to the journal, both in the “Financing and declaration of conflict of interests” form AND in the manuscript file after the “Conclusions” section, under the heading “Funding”).
It is important to note that these details should be gathered prior to submission since the funding disclosure statement cannot be changed after initial submission without the journal’s approval.
If the study was unfunded, authors must also state this at submission, both in the “Financing and declaration of conflict of interests” form AND include the following standard statement (without quotation marks) in the manuscript file (after the “Conclusions” section, under the heading “Funding”):
"The author(s) received no specific funding for this work."
Papers must be submitted online through the Open Journal System (OJS); authors must previously register.
For the submission documentation to be considered complete, along with the manuscript file, the “Financing and declaration of conflict of interests” form and “Publishing agreement” must be uploaded to the OJS system at submission
All papers submitted to JART are peer-reviewed following a single-blind review process. All contributions are initially assessed by the Editor-in-Chief for suitability for the journal; then, they are assigned to an associate editor who oversees the reviewing process. Papers are sent to a minimum of two experts to assess their quality. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of papers. The Editor-in-Chief’s decision is final.
File format
After acceptance, to proceed with copy printing, it is compulsory that the manuscript is sent in Word format via the OJS system. The following template is available for that purpose:
If the download does not start automatically when you click on the link, please copy and paste it in a new tab of your web browser
Authors’ information:
The authors' names should appear underneath the title.
The authors’ first names (and middle names, if applicable) should be initialized, followed by their last names in full (e.g., J. Martínez-López, P. Smith, M. Azizi). In the case of several authors, each name should be separated by commas (do not add “and” before the last author’s name).
After each author’s name, there should be a superscript letter indicating the author’s affiliation. In the case of the corresponding author’s name, after the superscript letter, there should be an asterisk.
Below the authors’ names, there should be the corresponding author’s email address preceded by an asterisk.
After the abovementioned information, complete affiliations (name of the laboratory, section, division, department, institution), along city and country, should be included.
Title of the paper
J. Martínez-Santosa*, S. Nugenta, R.A. Lópezb, M. Azizia
a Network and Data Science Laboratory, Department of Computer Engineering Research, Research Center for Computing (CIC), Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico City, Mexico
bMicrobiology Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMex), Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico
Reference formatting
Make sure that complete references have been included for all sources cited in the paper (and vice versa).
Please note: It is very important that authors include the hyperlinks of the sources in the Reference List that can be found online (even if the author consulted them in another way).
References (and citations) must be formatted according to APA style. Here is a good resource for more information about APA Style and examples:
*Further information and requests for this stage will be sent to authors whose paper are accepted.