Semi?formal specifications and formal verification improving the digital design: some statistics

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D. Torres
J. Cortéz
R.E. González


In this work, an improvement of the traditional digital design methodology is proposed. The major change is the use of a semiformal specification for the code implementation, the use of a verification tool and the establishment of properties for the formal verification of Finite State Machines (FSM). From semi?formal specifications, assertions were written using Property Specification Language (PSL) for an alignment circuit. Finally, a set of properties for the verification of this module were established and proved using a model checking tool. Our statistics proved that the whole design process was improved and considerable design time was saved.

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How to Cite
Torres, D., Cortéz, J., & González, R. (2009). Semi?formal specifications and formal verification improving the digital design: some statistics. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 7(01).