Mobile crawler robot for seed sowing and route planning through neuro-diffuse control

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J. Figueroa
M. Yarad
M. Montaño
O. Gomez
R. Rovira


The main objective of this project is to build a mobile terrestrial robot that allows the sowing of seeds of various types of plants that are cultivated in an artisanal way. A structure based on tracked locomotion has been designed that involves the use of several sensors, DC motors, and control systems based on two Arduino boards, which together allow the mobile robot to interact with the irregular environment through which it moves. The locomotion process carried out by the seeding robot is configured through an HMI interface implemented on a touch screen, where the user chooses the type and quantity of seeds to be sown so that the robot then follows an autonomous rectilinear trajectory which is supervised and corrected utilizing a neuro-diffuse control such as ANFIS. In addition, the mobile robot has a battery feeding and charging system through solar panels, which gives it complete autonomy to carry out the work entrusted to it.

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How to Cite
Figueroa, J., Yarad, M., Montaño, M., Gomez, O., & Rovira , R. (2024). Mobile crawler robot for seed sowing and route planning through neuro-diffuse control. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 22(5), 759–767.