<i>Analytical</i> and <i>Numerical funicular analysis</i> by means of the <i>Parametric Force Density Method</i>

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C. Cercadillo-García


The funicular concept has often been used in different stages of structural analysis and design. This paper presents two new methods: Analytical,A-FDM, and Numerical method, N-FDM, based on a parametric application of the original Force Density Method (FDM). This is an especiallyuseful way of visualizing a set of solutions and optimizing, i.e. selecting one specific funicular related to a set of constraints. Two structuralalgorithms are implemented iteratively with Maple®in real time, and output is also linked to AutoCAD®. Maple®facilitates control of geometricalconstraints, while AutoCAD®helps to show all parameterized data. Because of their practical interest, special emphasis is placed on masonrystructures using a Limit Analysis approach and preliminary design. Examples of the application of both methods are depicted

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How to Cite
Cercadillo-García, C. (2016). <i>Analytical</i> and <i>Numerical funicular analysis</i> by means of the <i>Parametric Force Density Method</i>. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jart.2016.03.001