Development of an anti-vibration system for the safe transfer and reliable operation of mammography equipment on board a mobile medical unit

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Pérez C. A.
Nava R.
Ruiz G. A.
Pérez A.


This paper shows the developing process of an anti-vibration system, from its conception up to the construction of aexperimental prototype. Special features and constraints that must be considered are specified, including adescription and theoretical foundation of the working principle, a geometrical proposal and a component selectionprocess, in order to ensure the effective operation of the system complying required specifications. Finally, thecombination of these elements are used to design and build a experimental prototype capable to simulate thebehavior of an anti-vibration system for ensuring the safe transfer and reliable operation of mammography equipmenton board of a mobile medical unit.

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How to Cite
C. A., P., R., N., G. A., R., & A., P. (2013). Development of an anti-vibration system for the safe transfer and reliable operation of mammography equipment on board a mobile medical unit. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 11(6).