Use of ANFIS Control Approach for SSSC based Damping Controllers Applied in a Two-area Power System
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In an interconnected power system, low frequency electromechanical oscillations are initiated by normal smallchanges in system loads, and they become much worse following a large disturbance. Flexible AC TransmissionSystem (FACTS) devices are widely recognized as powerful controllers for damping power system oscillations. Thestandard FACTS controllers are linear controllers which may not guarantee acceptable performance or stability in theevent of a major disturbance. To overcome the drawbacks of conventional controllers, ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-FuzzyInference System) control scheme has been developed in this paper, and it has been applied for the externalcoordinated control of series connected FACTS controllers known as Static Synchronous Series Compensators(SSSCs) employed in a two-area power system. In neuro-fuzzy control method, the simplicity of fuzzy systems andthe ability of training in neural networks have been combined. The training data set the parameters of membershipfunctions in fuzzy controller. This ANFIS can track the given input-output data in order to conform to the desiredcontroller. Simulation studies carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment demonstrate that the proposed ANFISbased SSSC controller shows the improved damping performance as compared to conventional SSSC baseddamping controllers under different operating conditions.
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How to Cite
Murali, D., & Rajaram, M. (2013). Use of ANFIS Control Approach for SSSC based Damping Controllers Applied in a Two-area Power System. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 11(6).