Proposed theoretical approaches for cellular base station radiation level estimation in urban environments

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S. K. AL-jaff
Rusul Musadaq
A. M. Khodayer
A. H. Sallomi


Increasing demand for cellular communication service forced service providers to improve their quality of service by increasing the number of base stations inside or in the proximity of populated areas. Consequently, the level of electromagnetic pollution is increased resulting in great concern about the probable health risk due to exposure to the base station radiations. 

In order to estimate the possible health impact due to population exposure to cellular base station radiations, this paper presents two mathematical approaches suggested to evaluate the base station radiation level in terms of power density induced at the exposed objects. The first approach depends on the superposition theorem that considers radiations from all base stations surrounding the exposed object. The second approach uses a fluid model to study and estimate the power density received by the objects exposed to the cellular base station radiations in urban areas. Once the induced power density in the exposed human body is obtained, it is possible to evaluate the health effects, and the safety exposure limits can be set.

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How to Cite
AL-jaff, S. K. ., Musadaq, R., Khodayer, A. M., & Sallomi, . A. H. (2024). Proposed theoretical approaches for cellular base station radiation level estimation in urban environments. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 22(6), 791–797.