Study of the stir speed and time in AA6030 matrix reinforced with Al2O3 nanoparticles

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Martin Emilio Mendoza-Oliveros
Angie Katerine Jimenez Miguez
Yeny Angélica Bautista Vargas
B. S. Archanjo
C. A. Senna
Lais Mujica-Roncery
Nicolás Rojas Arias


The effect of speed and time of stirring for AA6063 matrix manufactured by Electric Induction Furnace and reinforced 0.75wt.% and 1.5wt.% of Al2O3 nanoparticles is studied. The Specimens produced were subjected to tensile, microhardness, and tribology tests. It is observed that an increase in the speed and agitation time for AA6063 samples reinforced with 0.75%, favors an increase in the grain size, while an opposite effect is observed with the pieces produced with 1.5%, where a grain refining effect is favored, affecting the mechanical properties of the reinforced alloy.

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How to Cite
Mendoza-Oliveros, M. E., Jimenez Miguez, A. K., Bautista Vargas, Y. A., Archanjo, B. S., Senna, C. A., Mujica-Roncery, L., & Rojas Arias, N. (2022). Study of the stir speed and time in AA6030 matrix reinforced with Al2O3 nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 20(1), 17–23.