Preliminary Design of a Compact Superconducting Solenoid for Material Science Applications

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daniel chavez
mauro Napsuciale-Mendivil
Karim Hernández-Chahin
Yembi Huamani-Tapia
Maribel Juarez-Hernández
Teodoro Córdova-Fraga
Cristhian Gomez-Solis


Innovation in new materials is strongly associated with different techniques and technological developments used on the growth and characterization of samples. Recent studies suggest that one could increase the preferable orientation of the crystals while they are being formed on the substance by applying a strong magnetic field. Uncertainty on the magnetic field magnitude, time of exposure, and temperature requirements, impose a challenge from the technological perspective. An upper boundary of 10 T provides a wide enough range for researching the material's growth.

In this work, we present a preliminary design of a compact 7 Tesla superconducting solenoid. The solenoid uses NbTi Cable-in-conduit technology for the windings. The proposed geometry incorporates an experimentation chamber, thermally isolated from the cryogenic solenoid windings, where the uniform magnetic field  (3 cm wide x 3.3 cm high) covers the sample and instrumentation. 

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How to Cite
chavez, daniel, Napsuciale-Mendivil, mauro, Hernández-Chahin, K., Huamani-Tapia, Y., Juarez-Hernández, M., Córdova-Fraga, T., & Gomez-Solis, C. (2023). Preliminary Design of a Compact Superconducting Solenoid for Material Science Applications. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 21(5), 787–795.