Function-oriented energy model for low power sensor nodes analysis

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Iliover Vega-Gonzalez
Jorge Ramírez-Beltrán


This work presents a new energy model based on the blocks’ functions for low power sensor nodes analysis. The procedure described generalizes the majority of low power sensor nodes applications by splitting their composing blocks into only five blocks plus the power unit. For each unit, a review of the most recent low power techniques is analyzed, as well as some of the most accepted low power principles to apply in sensor nodes. The current modeling offers a generalization since most of the existing models are application-dependent and are constrained to some fields of interest, such as wireless sensor nodes. An analytical formulation is offered, and a case study is shown as a usage example.

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How to Cite
Vega-Gonzalez, I., & Ramírez-Beltrán, J. (2022). Function-oriented energy model for low power sensor nodes analysis. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 20(2), 142–159.