Vol. 22 No. 4 (2024)

Published: 2024-08-31

Catalytic effect of PdCl(2) on the performance of Mg-based hydride hydrolysis

N. Ruslan, M. S. Yahya, F. A. H. Yap, N. S. Mustafa, M. Ismail, M. Z. M. Yusoff, Z. M. Yusop, M. R. Awal, M. N. I. Siddique


Non-destructive test of irradiated silicide fuel plate: Visual examination and digital X-ray radiography analysis

R. Sigit, R. Artika, H. F. Rahmatullah, S. Ismarwanti, A. Gogo, Sungkono, A. B. Ginting, Supardjo


A novel synthesis and characterization of bio-based hydroxyapatite obtained from a residue of eggshells

J. Flores , J. Cedillo, A. Castañeda, S. Esparza , C. López , P. Acuña , A. Sáenz


Structural prowess in solar panel cleaning: A comparative study of robotic designs

Murshiduzzaman, A. As’arry, L. W. Keong, H. Yussof, W. Z. Hasan


Deuteron beam fluence emitted from dense plasma focus: Comparative investigation and simulation

A. Altarabulsi, Y. Abou-Ali, S. Alsheikh Salo, M. Akel, S. Lee


Experimental study of the impact interaction of a rigid wedge and ice

D. A. Butin, S. A. Sergievsky, A. V. Tumasov, A. S. Vashurin, Yu. P. Trusov, E. I. Toropov, P. S. Moshkov


Programmed solar panel purgation system: Solar purgator

k. Kanimozhi, B. Raja Mohamed Rabi


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The Journal of Applied Research and Technology (JART) is a bimonthly open-access journal that publishes papers in English on innovative applications, development of new technologies and efficient solutions in engineering, computing and scientific research. We publish manuscripts describing original research, with significant results based on experimental, theoretical and numerical work.

The journal classifies research into the following main fields:


Material Science

Biomaterials, carbon, ceramics, composite, metals, polymers, thin films, functional materials and semiconductors.


Computer Science

Computer graphics and visualization, programming, human-computer interaction, neural networks, image processing and software engineering.


Industrial Engineering

Logistics, inventory, transportation, supply chains, facility location, scheduling, operational research, management science, production planning, and information technologies and environmental issues related to industrial engineering.


Electronic Engineering

Solid-state physics, radio engineering, telecommunications, control systems, signal processing, power electronics, electronic devices and circuits and automation.


Instrumentation Engineering

Measurement devices (pressure, temperature, flow, voltage, frequency, radiation, photons, etc.), precision engineering, medical devices, instrumentation for education (devices and software), sensors technology, mechatronics, and robotics.



  • Scopus
  • Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO)
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal (REDALYC)
  • Índice Latinoamericano de Publicaciones Científicas Seriadas (Latindex)
  • Índice de Revistas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias (Periódica)
  • Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT – Mexico)



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