The following guidelines may be of assistance for reviewing a paper submitted to JART:


  1. Technical quality: It should be judged based on novelty, originality, and clarity of presentation.
  2. Interest for readers: It should fall within the scope of the journal and it should be of interest, from an academic or industrial point of view, for the readers of the journal.
  3. Need for modification: Even though the paper is well written in general, it may need to be improved (technically, spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.).
  4. Acceptability for publication: An overall judgement is required. The paper may be accepted as presented, require major or minor modifications or it should be rejected.
  5. General comments: the paper can be well written and technically correct; however, comments made by the reviewer can improve the quality of the manuscript. Regardless the reviewer’s recommendation (accepted, major revision required, minor revision required, rejected), we encourage to include them.