User-Acceptance instrument development: a content validity study in the e-participation context

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Darmawan Napitupulu


Although research related to e-participation is developing, its instrument development has not given sufficient attention. Previous studies showed limited report about content validity issues especially in the IS/IT field. This study has the purpose to develop user-acceptance instruments in the context of e-participation, especially the E-Lapor application. Since this study reuses the items and constructs in a context that is quite different from the previous research, using existing instruments may not ensure that items are still valid. As such, we re-establish the validity in the e-participation context to ensure that the items represent the construct and that each individual item measures what it is intended to measure. The method used is content validity with a quantitative approach namely Aiken. The results showed that of 18 constructs and 75 items developed initially, there were 11 items that had not been greater than significant values based on expert opinions. Those items have been deleted to reach significant standards. Thus, there are only 64 items that are valid and reliable. The implication of this study is to provide an opportunity for more IS/IT researchers to conduct content validity assessment for their instrument development.

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How to Cite
Napitupulu, D. (2020). User-Acceptance instrument development: a content validity study in the e-participation context. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 18(1).
Author Biography

Darmawan Napitupulu

Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Budi Luhur, Ciledug, Jakarta, Indonesia
Research Center for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy and Management,
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Banten, Indonesia